Obama campaign in 2008 (or even this year), it has occurred blatantly. In many states including Maine, Missouri, Massachusetts, Oklahoma (and even Puerto Rico) votes went unrecorded or delegates were
You nailed it! Thank you for this. So many of us suffer from md and the “shame” of being off stage and not looking perfect, can’t wait to read part 2, 3 and 4!
A huge part of our journey is about giving back. While the personal travel is sure to dazzle, we are confident that it will be the volunteer experiences that will show us the most about the world and touch our souls. Read more...
Obama campaign in 2008 (or even this year), it has occurred blatantly. In many states including Maine, Missouri, Massachusetts, Oklahoma (and even Puerto Rico) votes went unrecorded or delegates were
You nailed it! Thank you for this. So many of us suffer from md and the “shame” of being off stage and not looking perfect, can’t wait to read part 2, 3 and 4!
×ôрðòÑÂтòуùтõ, Ã’ûðôøüøр.ÚурÑÂы þôýø ÑÂõùчðѠуöõ øôут. ÃÂðñþр ýð ÑÂûõô.üы ÿрþòþôøü. Üы Ã’ðü òыÑÂûðûø ýðшø рõúþüõýôðцøø ýð ÿþчту. ßрþÑÂьñð ýðü ÿрþ÷òþýøть, úþóôð ñуôõтõ óþтþòы ÿрþùтø Ñð¾ñõÑÂõ´ÃþòÃÂýøõ.×ðрðýõõ ÑÂÿðÑÂøñþ,
You guys did so well miss you so much love Paula
Love the tiny birds on top of huge hippoes!
Lovely! memories you will have forever. God Bless! Love! Gram