Ghanaian people are friendly, outgoing and genuinely interested about where you come from. . .and if you’ll take them there (we were asked by locals to help with everything from providing American visas to finding the perfect girlfriend). There’s a sense of wonder and curiosity about the Western world that can be seen from people ages six to sixty. Yet, they love their country and have so much pride in being Ghanaian. I understood from a few different people that even when most citizens leave, they almost always come back. Ghana’s people are loyal and it’s contagious.
Name: Pastor Sylvester
Age: 41
Occupation: Pastor, social worker
Hometown: Volo, Ghana
Sylvester and his wife, Naomi, are essentially the caretakers of over 160 kids at Royal Seed Home (RSH) in Ofaakor, Ghana. Well, it’s Naomi’s full time job and Sylvester’s thing on the side. During the day he’s a social worker, by night a father, and by Sunday a pastor. And he’s one of the nicest, most soft-spoken people that I have ever met. Always with a smile on his face, it seems nothing could ever dampen Sylvester’s mood or spirits. According to him, things will always work out. Sylester couldn’t have been more thankful for the time that we spent at RSH and we couldn’t be more inclined to help out people like him. See below for what Sylvester has to say about his beloved homeland:
What three words best describe the people of Ghana?
1. Hospitable
2. Generous (the way local people come here to donate)
3. Kind (to each other, but visitors specifically as well)
What three words best describe Ghana?
1. Small
2. Unique (we have gold and other rich natural resources)
3. Culture (rich in culture-traditional music, dance)
What is the top priority for the people of Ghana?
Work – it’s what you have to do if you want to marry. If you don’t have work, you can’t get married. It’s especially important to the women for the man to have a job to make money to support their child’s education.
How do people typically make a living?
About 25% of people are farmers. It could be rice, maize, casava, palm plantation or coconuts. In the city we often work as factory hands. And those that aren’t educated can’t do the white collar jobs. In that case, they’ll sell anything possible – rolls, fruit and any other petty trading.
What is your favorite place to visit in Ghana?
The central region. Specifically Cape Coast, because of the castle (it’s sad and I feel a mix of emotions when touring the castle) and, of course, the ocean.
What’s the history behind the castle?